Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Air Force Essay - 741 Words

As I reach the end of my 20 year career with the United States Air Force, I have begun looking towards the next iteration of my career. Over my lengthy service, I have specialized in cybersecurity of network devices, end-point devices, and overarching policy. Currently, I am assigned as the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge (Director) of the Wing Cybersecurity Office. This position encompasses being the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for cyber security and compliance in support HQ AFGSC, HQ 8AF, 2d Bomb Wing and 34 associated tenant units. Leading 17 personnel focused on comprehensive information protection serving as one of two assigned Information System Security Managers (ISSM).Collaborating to ensure policy compliance to DoD policy,†¦show more content†¦Additionally, I hold Department of Defense certifications in IT Project Management, Cyber Ops, Management, Information System Security, Traditional Security, Host Based Security, and Inspections with a specialization in n uclear enterprise. In 2016, I was selected to serve on the RAND study on the kinetic effects of cyber-attacks on Industrial Control Systems (ICS) vulnerabilities. Taking this background, I intend to move forward and expand my existing base of expertise and dive head first in to the realm of wireless! In my last several roles, wireless connectivity has been the bleeding edge of both end user desires as well as security concerns. I have a keen interest particularly in distributed antenna systems or DAS. While most common with cellular network, they are making end roads in the enterprise and commercial WiFi arena. It is estimated that roughly 5% of commercial WiFi implementations use disturbed antenna systems. Given my background as a security professional, I not only see the benefits of indoor and outdoor distributed antenna systems. Not only from the power consumption perspective, but also from both the size and most importantly the ability to â€Å"right size/shape† the coverage area. This is especially true in multi-use office buildings and where terrain may be an obstacle. Obtaining this scholarship fromShow MoreRelatedAir Force Essay938 Words   |  4 Pages My Path to The United States Air Force I always wanted to go into the military as a little kid. Now, actually being at the age of what I need to decide on what I’m going to do for my future is a little harder than I thought it was going to be. I have chose to do my project on The United States Air Force. 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